October 10, 2023 School Council Minutes
Attendance: Raeval Evans (Chairperson), Tracee Reeder (Vice President), Jennifer Nelson,
Patti Pitcher, Janine Henderson, Tami Tolley (School Board Trustee), Candice Atwood
Called to Order: 7:05 pm
Elections: Jennifer Nelson has been elected as President of the fundraising committee, so we
will need to re-elect a new secretary.
Minutes from our September 12, 2023 meeting were approved by Patti Pitcher.
Parent Volunteers:
The school would love to have a parent volunteer come in once a month to take pictures of the
lost and found, which can then be posted. The items that are labeled they could return to those
students and then after two weeks if nothing is claimed, they can then donate it, If anyone is
interested in volunteering, please contact Candance Atwood, Hope squad is running the
breakfast Club and Candace will discuss with Bailey Olsen if she needs any parents volunteers.
They are currently offering salami sandwiches and mayo packages to students for lunch, along
with quick items that they can grab in the morning for breakfast. For parent teacher night in
November they are looking at having a station set up with computers for parents to go and sign
up for Power school. Candace will let us know if there is any volunteers needed for that night.
The School Council members can provide dessert for that night for the 15 teachers. A sign up
will be sent out.
Mental Wellness Groups:
In the past teachers would just identify kids that would benefit from attending. This year they
sent out a sign up to parents and had great success. They had 6 parents sign up students for
the peer group and the teachers have added an additional 3 students. The other group had 6
parents sign up for the class with an additional student being added. The resiliency group had
12 parents sign up. They are still open if parents would still like to register their kids for any of
these classes, Clair Mehew and Cami Fox will be with us for the next 2 years, thanks to a
grant. They find right now they are reactionary, but they want to be proactive. Jordan
Ducharme will be receiving some further training as well. He is planning to put on 6 sessions
which will be offered to all students. The lessons will last about 20 - 30 min. He will go into
each class so he will eventually end up teaching all of the students. It was suggested that they
‘tumble’ between classes so students don't miss too many of the same classes in order to
attend these groups.
Lunch Time:
Hot lunches should be available to most students. Lunch time is a bit of everything. Lots of kids
are on their phones, talking in big groups, playing and enjoying sports activities outside. There
is a classroom available for kids who struggle with the chaos and need more quiet time.
Period 5:
Right now they have been using it for creative projects. It has been a learning curve but they
have some new ideas they are planning to implement. Groups will be changing on Monday.
Students previously provided group ideas and then they found teachers to offer it. This time
teachers are picking what they are offering and they will not be something that is already offered
as an option class. They are also planning to offer a financial class. They are looking at starting
‘One Book, One School’ shortly. The book will be ‘Wink’ which will be used for building
character ed and creating discussions on these topics. In the new year they are hoping to offer
a cultural piece for all students to go to where they will learn about family history and about
different cultures. They are planning to offer different activities based on grades in hopes of
continuing it in other years, so there is no overlapping of activities.
They are still alternating among 6 options. Those students who want to continue in Band can
stay in it and they will be creating a joint band and it sounds like only performing with the
students in the Junior High and not the High School this year. They are having another drama
production this year. It will be held after the high school production. Right now the Matinee is
scheduled for Dec. 21. Julianne Sommerfeldt is in charge again. It appears they have quite a
few different students participating this year. Jerry Fiirst Charger is doing hoop classes during
period 5 as well. They are also offering Intramural dodgeball during 5th period.
It does not seem to be as prevalent this year. No kids have been caught yet, but they do know it
is still happening. They had previously removed the girls bathroom doors which seems to have
helped as well. They have also started implementing bathroom passes that are now in place -
only 2 per class. This has made it so students are not able to congregate together. They are
also offering library and office passes. These have all helped with students wandering in the
hallways during class time.
Wellness Nights:
Jordan Ducharme is planning to have monthly wellness nights for parents to attend. They were
unable to get a speaker for September. They have Nate Webb planned for tomorrow night at
6:30 pm at Magrath High School which will count for November's class. They will let us know
what the November class will be about once it has been finalized.
Next Meeting: Nov. 21 at 7:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned: 7:38 pm