May 18 School Council Minutes
MAY 17, 2023
7:00 PM
Attendance: Raeval Evans (President), Grade 7 student, Jeremy Payne (Principal)
Called to Order: 7:02 PM
School Council Grant:
Raeval has been looking at some different options for using the $500.00 Grant. She has two
ideas. She has been considering using it towards a volunteer tea for the parent volunteers or
using it for a welcome party to the new and upcoming grade 5 students and their parents.
Jeremy actually had several suggestions. Jeremy said that they have all the kids in Grade 5
attend the school in June for a tour and several parents usually attend with them. We can invite
more of the parents and do a presentation about the school council during the tour. The tour
this year will be held on Monday, June 19 at 2:00 pm. We can even make up a survey monkey
and send it out to the parents asking them about any concerns they are having in anticipation of
their students moving up to Junior High, as well as any questions they may have about the
School Council. The decision was made that we would use some of the funds to provide the
Grade 5 students with a treat like gum, mentos or candy and include a note attached for each of
the students to take home to their parents as an introduction to the Junior High and the School
Council. We can let the parents know what areas we will need volunteers for the following
school year, such as coaching, library help, etc. Another example where we can use the funds
would be for the Meet the teacher night which is at the beginning of the school year in
September. This evening is usually held after the first couple weeks of school have started and
it is an evening with the students can bring their parents to meet their teachers and show off
their classrooms. They used to hold this event before COVID and are hoping to start it up again
in the 2024 - 2025 school year. We are going to use some of the funds for awards that can be
handed out to the students. We are going to look at doing either a scavenger hunt where the
students have to look for things in the classrooms as they go around with their parents. The
other option is a bingo card that will be different for each grade where the students can ask
different questions of their teachers that will allow them to get to know their teachers on a more
personal level. We can get the teachers to tell us 2 interesting things about them and why they
like teaching the subject. The school council can have a table set up with a sandwich board and
use tv’s to discuss the purpose of the school council. Families can meet at the table and grab
the bingo or scavenger cards and then once they are completed return to the school council
table to collect their prizes. The final activity the school council is going to use the money at is
for the 2nd parent teacher interviews. They usually have art exhibit and displays set-up. We
can have some fun activities set-up for the students to bond with their parents. We are going to
look at doing an ‘Are you smarter then your Grade 6 - 8 student.’
GSA Club:
Jeremy shared that he has spoken to a few teachers about taking charge of the club and Mr
Wynder is loving the idea. He would like to team up with another teacher, preferably a female teacher. Mrs. Scout has offered to join Mr. Wynder. They would actually like to meet with some
of the interested students and have a planning meeting so that they can get everything ready for
the following school year. The students can make posters to be hung up in the school, as well
as make announcements letting people know what they are wanting to do.
Bullying & Derogatory & Objectifying Comments:
Jeremy shared that after the last school council meeting, he had a discussion with the teachers
about the issues in the classrooms that the students had shared with him. Jeremy said that they
have set up what is called Safe space posters in all the classrooms. The idea is that when
students or teachers notice bullying, or hear derogatory or objectifying comments being said,
they can call out safe space. This is to let those people know that what they are saying or doing
is upsetting people and that they need to remember this is a safe place and they need to stop. -
classes are getting renovations - safe space will let all the students know about the safe space
whatever it is they are doing. Jeremy had also spoken to other students after the last meeting
and had several more examples to share with the teachers. The student in attendance at the
meeting shared her concerns and told Jeremy she wasn’t even aware of the Safe Space
posters or what they meant. Jeremy said he would go to the classes over the next several days
and let the students and teachers know about the Safe Space posters and what their purpose
is. Teachers are working to make changes and are trying to become more aware of what is
going on in their classrooms. Jeremy is hopeful things will change for the better.
Principal’s Comments:
Teacher Appreciation:
First off, the Staff wanted to say thank you for the amazing luncheon that had been provided.
They are very grateful and appreciative of the amazing food. It was so unexpected and the first
time the teachers have had a meeting prepared by the parents. Raeval is hoping to offer this
again in the future and would prefer to do it a couple times throughout the year.
Field Trip:
The students just went on a field trip where they collected pegs and buttons. The pegs are what
they use to hammer into the ground to keep the teepee in place. The buttons are long willows
that are used to thread up the side of the teepee, like a zipper. The students will be using them
for the last day of the school year, when they will set up the teepee and will have a powwow.
They have invited Spring Glen Junior High students to join them and are super excited to share
this activity. Another teacher is interested in doing sweetgrass during this event as well.
STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics):
They are excited about the stem opportunities that are available. Warren Anderson who is a
teacher at the Magrath Elementary School has been teaming up with Lethbridge College and is
making kits that can be used in the classrooms. Students can use them to complete different
experiments and learn the different outcomes. Examples are the use of diameters of metal
rods, which allows students to see how friction works even though the rods do not touch ,
plumbing, resisters, etc.
Upcoming Activities:
Mr. Hardy is doing professional development over the summer and is really excited about
learning coding and sharing with the students in the fall. We are grateful for his willingness to
take a week of his own time to do this. At the end of the month when the parents are out voting,
the students will also be voting. Students have been learning about the different parties and will
be prepared to make an educated vote. Their results will be compared to the actual results and
it will be interesting to see how the students do. There will be a PD on Friday and teachers are
excited to do some final preparations for finishing out the school year.
Diabetes Run:
Our students were able to participate in the diabetes run that was held at Kianai School. All the
Grade 4 & 5 students from Cardston Elementary School were in attendance along with about 40
students from Cardston Junior High School. They had to limit the number of students and it was
a first come, first serve activity. Those in attendance had a wonderful time.
Native Awareness Week:
The school had an amazing assembly to celebrate and were able to crown their new princess.
Ellie Fox is the new Cardston Junior High School Princess. It was commented on how the
celebration was an amazing event and how wonderful it was for the students to share their
culture with the whole school. There were some disappointing comments from students during
the event, but overall it was a wonderful activity.
Parent Volunteers:
As had been stated at our last meeting, there will be a large need of parent volunteers to help
as test readers to the students during the final exams. Raeval will be sending out a sign up
genius to look for volunteers, as it was a successful tool for the teacher appreciation luncheon.
Teachers will also reach out to parents as well, if we are unable to find enough help.
The use of Earbuds:
The student in attendance brought up her concern over the use of earbuds in the classroom to
help with noise reduction and offering soothing music to help calm her while she is doing her
work. She said with her adhd it can be hard to concentrate but she has noticed if she listens to
music it can help her stay on task. Jeremy suggested that it can be discussed with her teachers
and if used at appropriate times that do not disrupt the class and the lesson, it can be an option,
provided she gets permission from her teachers. As well, if she requires music, just having one
ear bud in would allow her to listen to the music, but still hear the teacher talking. Jeremy felt
independent work time is the appropriate time for listening to music while she studies. This is
also an option for other students with the same concerns.
Grade 8 Year End Party:
It will be held on June 20 this year at Payne Lake. It is currently in the planning stage and the
grade 8 team hasn't made all the decisions yet. They are not aware of parent needs yet, but will
let us know if there is a need. They will have swimming areas and kayaking set up for students
to participate in and may be looking to borrow equipment. Typically they will reach out to the
grade 8 parents first.
Parents with Concerns:
It was discussed what options parents have for students with disabilities or anxiety issues.
Parents can meet one on one with teachers to discuss their concerns for the upcoming school
year. As well, private tours can be offered to new students who are in need on more one on one
time. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jeremy to discuss.
Next Meeting:
As it stands there will not be another meeting for this school year. Parents can
contact either Raeval or Jeremy Payne if they have any concerns.
Adjourned: 7:49 p.m.